Rental Application Form

Pristine Property Management [‘The LANDLORD’] is committed to safeguarding
the personal information entrusted to us by the Applicant. Personal information means any information about an identifiable individual. This can include but is not limited to an individual’s name, home address and phone number, age, sex, marital or family status, financial information, educational history, or employment status. We manage your personal information in accordance with Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act and other applicable laws. This policy applies to the LANDLORD and to any person providing services on our behalf.

We collect the personal information for the purposes of assessing the Applicant(s) and co co-Applicant[s] if any as to suitability as a tenant in general, and/or for a specific rental location.

Your completion of this Application will be taken as your consent to the above use by us, including both the information provided in the Application and personal information obtained by us from other sources as noted in the Application. We will assume the same consent in cases where you volunteer other personal information for an obvious purpose, even though it may not be specifically requested in the Application.

You may withdraw consent to the use and disclosure of personal information at any time, unless the personal information is necessary for us to fulfill our legal obligations. We will respect your decision, but may not be able to provide you with rental accommodation if we do not have sufficient personal information.

By submitting this application, you agree to the following:

I/We, the undersigned (the ‘Applicant’, and if applicable the ‘Co-Applicant’) hereby apply for approval as a Tenant(s) of the Landlord based on the information provided on this page and the following 2 pages. I/We understand that the information provided will be viewed to determine my/our suitability for the premises described below, and any other premises that the Landlord my deem appropriate.

The Applicant and/or Co-Applicant acknowledges that pets, barbeques, waterbeds and aquariums are not permitted without the advance written permission of the Landlord.

If the Landlord permits a pet, an additional Pet Damage Deposit of $(TBD) will be paid to the Landlord. The Landlord will hold the Deposit(s) until the Tenancy ends.

The Applicant(s) do(es) hereby state that the information contained herein is true and correct, and contain no misrepresentations. If misrepresentations are found after a residential tenancy agreement is entered into with the Applicant and/or Co-Applicant, the Landlord shall have the option to terminate the residential tenancy agreement and seek all available remedies.

The Applicant(s) and/or Co-Applicant authorize the Landlord to obtain tenant history, credit, personal and employment information from one or more consumer reporting agencies, previous landlords, employers or previous employers and from other sources of such information, to verify the information provided by the Applicant[s] and/or Co-Applicant. The Applicant[s] and/or Co-Applicant authorize(s) the reporting agencies, and any other person, including personnel from any
governmental ministry or agency, to disclose relevant information about the Applicant[s] and/or Co- pplicant to the Landlord. If the parties enter into a Residential tenancy agreement, the Applicant[s] and/or Co-Applicant authorize the above information to be used and disclosed for responding to emergencies, ensuring the orderly management of the tenancy and complying with legal requirements

I, hereby agree to lease from Pristine Property Management, known as the Landlord, the above premises as an indication of my good faith in making this offer, I will hereby hand to the Landlord the deposit sum requested in the form of certified cheque, cash or money order, as a deposit on the premises on the understanding that if my offer is accepted, the deposit shall be retained by the Landlord as a ‘Deposit’ in accordance with the provisions of the Lease Agreement, and if my offer is not accepted, the full Deposit will be refunded to me provided, however, that if my offer is accepted and I cancel the application or fail to execute the Lease Agreement, when prepared and presented, then I agree that the said deposit shall be absolutely forfeited to the Landlord. This shall be considered liquidated damages and not a penalty. Acceptance of this offer will be deemed to have been made by the Landlord’s execution of the acceptance section.


Have you declared bankruptcy in the past seven (7) years?

Have you ever been evicted from a rental residence?

Have you had two or more late rental payments in the past 12 months?

Have you ever refused to pay rent when due?

Do you wish to bring a pet[s] to the rental premises?

Do you, or any proposed occupant, smoke?

If you are co-applicants, do you consent to a joint credit report?

NOTE: Landlords are not responsible for tenants’ possessions. If accepted you must carry tenant’s insurance covering your possessions and protecting you against liability. I/We presently insure our belongings and for third party liability:

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